Thursday, October 24, 2019

Shc 23 – Introduction to Equality

Introduction to Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings 1. 1The term ‘Diversity’ means the state or fact of being diverse; different or unlike. Within equality and inclusion it is the difference between individuals and groups including: culture, nationality, ability, ethnic origin, gender, age, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class. The term ‘Equality’ means the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in-quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.It means that everyone is offered the same choices and opportunities, everyone is treated with respect and each individuals needs are catered for. The term ‘Inclusion’ means the act of including. Inclusion values diversity meaning that no-one is left out, and places individuals at the centre of planning and support. The term ‘Discrimination’ means the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit eg racial and religious intolerance and discrimination. . 2There are two main types of discrimination; direct and indirect. Direct discrimination may occur in the workplace in the form of institutional discrimination, whereby people may not think I am as good at working with children and young people because I am a man. Discrimination by individuals including bullying, labelling, prejudice and stereotyping is also direct discrimination because it is usually specifically targeted. This can have a negative effect in the workplace as it can lead to lack of opportunities for certain members of the group.Indirect discrimination can take place by accident. It can come as a result of lack of knowledge and understanding. If I cannot effectively communicate with someone because I don’t know anything about them, that could lead to inadve rtent and unintentional exclusion. 1. 3 Equality and inclusion are the opposite of discrimination. Therefore, practices which support equality and inclusion can only serve to extinguish discrimination. If everybody is treated equally with the same rights and respect for each other regardless of race, age and ability, then discrimination cannot take place.This can be achieved by making all areas accessible to people of all abilities, and by reducing barriers within communication. Together they make the promotion of participation easier. 2. 1Within my role as a trainee practitioner, I have to abide by the following codes of practice and legislation: Human Rights Act 1998 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 The Equality Act 2010 Equality and Human Rights Commission 2. In our setting, children and adults alike are all treated equally. Religious beliefs, cultures and va lues are all taken into account. An example of this would be our snack table, all dietary requirements – some health reasons and some religious reasons are catered for. As such, nothing is ever served which go against peoples beliefs. Appropriate language is always used when addressing both children and adults, using clear communication. Regardless of age, ethnic origin or religious belief; confidentiality is always maintained unless it someone is in immediate danger. 2. Discrimination can be challenged in different ways, but in order for it to stop, we must also encourage change. If someone feels that they are being discriminated against, then they should follow the correct complaints procedures – note their concerns with a supervisor, manager or SENCO. If I see children discriminating against one another, I can challenge the children and resolve the issue but report the incident to my manager. Staff training on the issue of discrimination is valuable as it means we a re all following the same procedures to curb the behaviour, and makes us reassess our own beliefs and attitudes we might hold.Policy review on the subject is also a fantastic way to challenge discrimination as it can lead to more effective techniques to solve the problem being developed. 3. 1There are a variety of sources where information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion can be gathered from. Advice and information can be gained from Sector Skills Councils such as Skills for Care and Children’s Workforce and Development Council, Professional organisations such as Nursing ans Midwifery Council and Teacher Development Agency; and Third party organisations.It can also be found on government websites which give up to date legislation and codes of practice. 3. 2Access to information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion should be gained when carrying out inter-agency works, or liaising with community leaders and organisations. It c an also be used in order to gain feedback on the work you are already carrying out. This can help you see if you are meeting all standards expected and can also help you progress to the next level because it aids professional development.

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