Wednesday, October 30, 2019

English lesson 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English lesson 6 - Essay Example This is the reason for the argument by some scholars against the attainment of human longevity, because they acknowledge the inability to resolve diseases, which eventually cause death. Even so, as humans further research on longevity, they tend to move closer to achieving immortality. But because of the immature and unwise reasons for immortality, the author discredits it, citing the unpreparedness of humans to handle the associated challenges. As such, the author uses figurative language, repetition and irony to appeal to the reader’s pathos by arousing fear, doubt and disapproval on the attainability and attractiveness of immortality. This emotionally appeals to the reader’s appreciation of significant human longevity as having limits and not necessarily being a good thing. McCarthy extensively uses figurative language to appeal to the readers’ fear by suggesting that immortality is dangerous to human life. The author uses metaphorical comparison of â€Å"a h ighway of immortality† to instill fear of immortality to the reader (McCarthy 544). Highways are known to be wider and smoother than other roads, prompting reckless driving that poses the danger of crashes and subsequent injuries or loss of lives. In the same way, McCarthy considers immortality as a hurried idea which poses dangers to humans. Instead of improving on the quality of human life, it could end up destroying it. In fact, by comparing it to a kind of life that does not have â€Å"a weigh station of wisdom,† McCarthy (544) argues on the immaturity of the idea of immortality. Normally, weigh stations are meant to check on the vehicles transporting cargo to ensure that transporters abide by the set load limits so as to avoid damaging the roads. Thus, the use of this figurative language in this context suggests the recklessness in the pursuit of immortality without appropriate checks, which in turn exposes humans to the associated dangers. The author’s choi ce of examples enables her to sample similes that arouse disgust on immortality among the readers. The example of Steven Austad’s comparison of humans to an object, specifically a car, suggests that immortality would cause humans to lose their humanness and in turn be objectified (McCarthy 546). In order to keep a car on the move, the older worn-out parts need to be replaced with newer and more effective ones. In a similar way, in order to keep humans alive forever, their aged body parts would be replaced with fresher ones. Even though scientists are already replacing parts of human body so as to achieve healthier lives, the simplicity of replacement that this figurative language exhibits makes this argument doubtable and unreal; it makes it sound disrespectful to humanity. It portrays humans as simple objects that could be fixed as simply as a car would. This comparison that objectifies humans, likening them to a car, would most likely disgust the reader. This will subsequen tly portray immortality as an aspect that would cost humans their humanness, hence portraying it as unattractive. Repetition of words has also been used in this essay to emphasize the argument on longevity having limits. When describing Dr. Leonard Hayflick’s view on significantly increased longevity, McCarthy notes that â€Å"it won’t happen, it can’t happen, and if it did happen it would be a bad thing† (546). Without being categorical on moderate human longevity, this negation repetition of the word,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Determination of Ka for a weak Acdi Essay Example for Free

Determination of Ka for a weak Acdi Essay In the experiment preformed the objective is to titrate a weak acid with a strong base. In a titration of a weak acid with a strong base the titrant is the strong base and the analyte is a weak acid. The reaction that will occur is the direct transfer of protons from the weak acid to the hydroxide ion. The data gathered will be represented on the titration curve, a graph of the volume of titrant being the strong base plotted against the pH . The pH is an indicator of an acids strength. The titration curve can be used to determine the pKa. By reading the graph the equivalence point can be found; which is the point where equal parts acid and base have reacted by knowing this the half-equivalence can be found pH=pKa. Procedure In the experiment pH paper will be used instead of a pH meter. The pH will be determined at the beginning and the end of the titration and the data table will be used to calculate the intermediate values. A burette is a more accurate piece of glassware used to deliver the titrate; in the lab being performed disposable pipet will be used making it very important to consistently dispense the same size drops. Before the titration the volume of a drop must be determined. A pipet is completely fill with distilled water. The average number of drops in a mL and the average quantity of a mL represented by on drop is calculated and recorded. Water is added drop by drop to a graduated cylinder from a pipet at the first, second and third mL lines the water drops are recorded. The average number of drops are calculated per mL. The average of the quantity of a mL represented by a drop is also recorded. A data table is set up to represent the trail averages. First 2. 0 mL of unknown acid is measured into graduated cylinder and then poured into a beaker the volume is the recorded. By using a toothpick a drop of acid is placed onto low portion of pH paper, the pH level is recorded. One drop of the phenolphthalein indictor is added to the acid and the color is recorded. The beaker is set on a white sheet of paper before moving on. Next, a well in the 24-well plate is filled with NaOH solution and then sucked up into an empty pipet. The pipet is the held vertically slowly adding drop by drop the NaOH into the beaker of the unknown solution. Drops are added until a color change occurs, changing to a faint pink for at least 30 seconds. A plastic spoon is used to stir after the addition of each drop. The number of drops of NaOH is recorded and the equivalence point is now determined. A drop of the acid is now transferred by toothpick to the high range pH indicator strip. The pH level of the acid is recorded before titration. The contents of the beaker are poured down the drain and all equipment is thoroughly cleaned. The above procedure is repeated twice more, all data is recorded to 4 decimal places for each trail on the data table. The average of the 3 trails is calculated and data is recorded. At the top of the pH column the unknown’s acid’s starting pH level before titration is entered. Next, the pH level of the acid after the titration, at its equivalence point is entered at the bottom of the pH column. The appropriate pH levels for each 2 drop interval is then calculated, by subtracting the initial pH from the final pH and dividing the resulting difference by the number of rows minus 1. This number is then added to the previous pH value. A graph is then made, pH is plotted on the y axis and volume of NaOH added on the x axis. This represents the titration curve. The pH that corresponds with the equivalence point and half equivalence points are located and the pKa is determined for the unknown acid, pH=pKa. The relationship between Ka and pKa is that Ka is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of a weak acid and pKa is the half-equivalence point where pH=pKa. In addition to the pH, Ka is an indication of an acids strength; pKa = log Ka. B. The potential sources for errors in this experiment are the inconsistent and miscounting of drops of NaOH in the titration. The pipet must be held upright dispensing the exact size drops to have an accurate measurement. C. If your experimental Ka is 5. 3 and the actual Ka of your unknown acid is 4. 7, what is your % error?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Economics Of The Clean Air Act Essay -- Impact of Clean Air Act on

"The health effects of air pollution imperil human lives. This fact is well-documented." -- Eddie Bernice Johnson Air is a part of all of our lives. Without clean air, nothing we know of can exist. The debate over clean air, it's regulations, their teammates and opposition, and the economic factors coming into play into this ever-more recognizable problem is a widespread and ever more controversial one. Like a long countdown to eventual disaster, the pollution effecting our world has no doubt made increasingly more impact on our daily lives, and has increased the intensity on Washington and other countries to solve the problem. The Clean Air act is a step in the right direction, but with every answer there comes two questions and likewise more and more people taking sides. There have been long debates not over the effectiveness of such regulations, but the lack of opportunity such regulations and deregulations provide for other companies. Global warming has increased the tension over the economics of cleaner air, but with little the government can do to limit the use of cars, the production of necessary coal-fired power plants and other such human resources, the topic just turns into another fog for debate and argument over stricter regulations and the impeached right these sources have to operate. The continual power struggle of such economic and social issues and the debate over the effectiveness of stricter, present or more lenient regulations has turned into a smorgasboard of prectical solutions, with opponents quickly changing minds and becoming supporters and vice-versa. The expenditure of about 20 billion on the part of companies since 1990 to clean up such hazardous pollutants as cars, factories, and thousands of other measures have reaped about 400 billion in saved hospital costs, lost workdays, reduced productivity, and other conditions while at the same time theoretically helping to reduce smog and pollution. The findings of a report on experiments done for the Clean Air act was passed into law in 1970. The Enviornmental Protection Agency has recently come under attack by critics however, and Washington has threatened to cut the agencies' budget citing high costs of enviornmental legislation, even while their is solid proof that the agencies' measures are paying off. Congress is skeptical of reports that the wh... ...economic, political, and diplomatic challenges. Many developing nations such as China are dependent on coal-generated power to drive their economic growth over the next several decades. U.S. utilities uses coal to produce more than half of the nation's electricity. Plentiful U.S. coal supplies have also meant power for many U.S. companies where coal is plentiful. Air and water are concrete parts of all of our lives. With the destruction and continual pollution being pumped into our ecosystem, who knows how long it will be before the whole world is contaminated to the point where we can no longer live in it. The bureaucrats in Washington don't have all the answers, neither do the unions, or the big corporations. The idea and impact of pollution is like a time-bomb waiting to explode, and the end draws nearer and nearer. We cannot look back on our world after we have destroyed it and comment on things we should have done differently. Sources Consulted

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Shc 23 – Introduction to Equality

Introduction to Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings 1. 1The term ‘Diversity’ means the state or fact of being diverse; different or unlike. Within equality and inclusion it is the difference between individuals and groups including: culture, nationality, ability, ethnic origin, gender, age, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class. The term ‘Equality’ means the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in-quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.It means that everyone is offered the same choices and opportunities, everyone is treated with respect and each individuals needs are catered for. The term ‘Inclusion’ means the act of including. Inclusion values diversity meaning that no-one is left out, and places individuals at the centre of planning and support. The term ‘Discrimination’ means the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit eg racial and religious intolerance and discrimination. . 2There are two main types of discrimination; direct and indirect. Direct discrimination may occur in the workplace in the form of institutional discrimination, whereby people may not think I am as good at working with children and young people because I am a man. Discrimination by individuals including bullying, labelling, prejudice and stereotyping is also direct discrimination because it is usually specifically targeted. This can have a negative effect in the workplace as it can lead to lack of opportunities for certain members of the group.Indirect discrimination can take place by accident. It can come as a result of lack of knowledge and understanding. If I cannot effectively communicate with someone because I don’t know anything about them, that could lead to inadve rtent and unintentional exclusion. 1. 3 Equality and inclusion are the opposite of discrimination. Therefore, practices which support equality and inclusion can only serve to extinguish discrimination. If everybody is treated equally with the same rights and respect for each other regardless of race, age and ability, then discrimination cannot take place.This can be achieved by making all areas accessible to people of all abilities, and by reducing barriers within communication. Together they make the promotion of participation easier. 2. 1Within my role as a trainee practitioner, I have to abide by the following codes of practice and legislation: Human Rights Act 1998 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 The Equality Act 2010 Equality and Human Rights Commission 2. In our setting, children and adults alike are all treated equally. Religious beliefs, cultures and va lues are all taken into account. An example of this would be our snack table, all dietary requirements – some health reasons and some religious reasons are catered for. As such, nothing is ever served which go against peoples beliefs. Appropriate language is always used when addressing both children and adults, using clear communication. Regardless of age, ethnic origin or religious belief; confidentiality is always maintained unless it someone is in immediate danger. 2. Discrimination can be challenged in different ways, but in order for it to stop, we must also encourage change. If someone feels that they are being discriminated against, then they should follow the correct complaints procedures – note their concerns with a supervisor, manager or SENCO. If I see children discriminating against one another, I can challenge the children and resolve the issue but report the incident to my manager. Staff training on the issue of discrimination is valuable as it means we a re all following the same procedures to curb the behaviour, and makes us reassess our own beliefs and attitudes we might hold.Policy review on the subject is also a fantastic way to challenge discrimination as it can lead to more effective techniques to solve the problem being developed. 3. 1There are a variety of sources where information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion can be gathered from. Advice and information can be gained from Sector Skills Councils such as Skills for Care and Children’s Workforce and Development Council, Professional organisations such as Nursing ans Midwifery Council and Teacher Development Agency; and Third party organisations.It can also be found on government websites which give up to date legislation and codes of practice. 3. 2Access to information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion should be gained when carrying out inter-agency works, or liaising with community leaders and organisations. It c an also be used in order to gain feedback on the work you are already carrying out. This can help you see if you are meeting all standards expected and can also help you progress to the next level because it aids professional development.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Survivor’s Quest

For any of them to survive on a remote island, they would have to have the physical capacity to endure the harshness of the wilderness. They should also have the mental and emotional maturity to know when and how to help out and not be a burden to their group. They would have to learn how to live away from their comfort zone. The first best choice would be Father Franz, and not merely because he is a priest. He has the physical strength to live in that kind of environment and he has a farming background which will be of great help in terms of a sustainable food production for the group. He would also be a good candidate to be the leader of the group and again, not just because he is a priest, but because of his being active in civil rights guarantees that he will be just and fair in relating with his islandmates. His being liberal also guarantees that his judgments will always be towards the good of them all; not restricted by religious his biases. His being a priest however makes him a better moral uplifter for them the survivors. The next good choice would be Mr. Blake. He is an outdoors man so his knowledge and skills would be essential for their survival. His construction experience will also become handy in making a shelter for them. His prejudices against blacks however might become a problem for them. Dr. Gonzalez may be an experienced doctor, a skill that would be of great value to all of them in the island. However, he is old, and has already lived a full life. Mr. Newton on the other hand, still has one year to finish in med school. What he has learned in school cannot compare to what Dr. Gonzalez has learned through years of medical practice. However, he is young and can still keep on learning. Provided that he did his homework back in school, what he has learned should be enough for him to be able to treat any ailments and injuries his co-survivors might acquire while they are at the island. He will suddenly be able to put what he has learned in practice. Therefore, Mr. Newton should be allowed on the boat. The two children: Jean Garcia and Bobby Dane should also be allowed on the boat. They are very young and should have the privilege to experience life. But at their age, for them to survive on the island, they would need their parents to nurture them. It was not indicated specifically whether Mrs. Garcia is indeed Jean’s mother. Assuming that she is, she might not have much to present in terms of intelligence and regarding her past, unlike most of the other candidates who has many achievements to enumerate, but she is Jean’s mother, therefore she should be given the chance to raise her child the way she sees fit. Bobby on the other hand is a special case. His condition requires someone to take care of unconditionally him in long terms. That role would be best fulfilled by his parents. His mother should be the best candidate for that. However, she is diabetic. Her condition makes her very fragile especially in a remote island where she would not receive her proper treatment. She might not live long enough to take care of her son. Therefore his father, Dr. Dane should be allowed on the boat instead. He is physically healthy to live long enough to care for Bobby. For such a varied group of people to survive and live together on a remote island, they should all be matured enough to disregard their religious and racial ideologies. They should learn to work and cooperate with each other in order to live harmoniously.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Turn Campus Leftovers Into Meals in College

Turn Campus Leftovers Into Meals in College Maybe you’ve heard of that University of Maryland student who noticed that his campus kitchen ends up with a lot of leftovers and decided to donate them to hungry families. The effort grew into a bigger project and he now runs a nonprofit called Food Recovery Network. Leftovers have a long history from charity to high cuisine. Did you know that a lot of famous national dishes emerged as a way to do something with leftovers? Pizza is said to have come about as a result of putting leftover ingredients on top of a baked bread base. Gazpacho, the cold Spanish soup is made from leftover stale bread and tomatoes. Bouillabaisse, the French fish soup was made of the leftover fish that the fisherman couldn’t sell at the market. Soups, stews, sandwiches, salads, omelets, casseroles and other yummy dishes can all be easily made from leftovers. Below, youll find some steps for you to make meals out of campus leftovers: First, you’ll need to get permission from your campus kitchen. Obviously, you can’t just walk in and start filling up some tupperwares with food. Approach the director of the campus kitchen and maybe a member of student affairs to coordinate how and when you’ll have access to campus leftovers. If there are no kitchen facilities in your dorm, you’ll need to get access to the campus kitchen facilities. Be patient, respectful and persistent. There’s really no good reason why good food should go to waste. There are basically three categories of leftovers: Leftover starches Leftover vegetables Leftover meat In the case of there being a lot of leftover starches such as bread, pasta, rice or potatoes, all you need to do is add some vegetables and/or meat to make a great meal. Likewise with the leftover vegetables and meat, you’ll just need to bulk up your leftovers by adding some starches. Find some examples below. Bread French onion soup a cheap and delicious meal. Some leftover bread, some onions and cheese is all you need to make this dish. Bread pudding beat some eggs, add some milk and cinnamon and bake for a fast, easy dessert. Sloppy Joes add some ground beef in tomato sauce for a simple Sloppy Joe. Pasta Add a can of tomato sauce and a tin of tuna for a quick and yummy tuna pasta dish. Or fry up some garlic for a quick aglio e olio. Add a can of peas and some cream and chop up some ham for a creamy option. Or bake your pasta with some cheese for a simple mac and cheese option. Rice Rice balls just combine the leftover rice with a little cheese, roll in breadcrumbs and deep fry them or bake them. Serve with hot sauce, ketchup, marinara sauce or your condiment of choice. Rice pudding make sure the rice doesn’t have salt in it first. Then just add milk or coconut milk, an egg, sugar, honey or another sweetener and cinnamon. Raisins are a popular addition, but totally optional. Stir fried rice this is the ultimate leftover dish. Throw some veggies (carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, spinach, onion, garlic and whatever else you have) and douse it with soy sauce. Add the rice and stir. Vegetables Vegetable soup a tablet of chicken or vegetable stock and some time are all you need to make this dish. Add rice, noodles or meat. Veggie omelet take those leftover veggies and tuck them into an omelet. Easy. You can also make Pasta Primavera by just adding pasta and some parmesan cheese. Chicken Chicken fried rice just bulk this one up with some rice and you’re golden. Chicken soup add some veggies, noodles or rice and some chicken stock. Chicken Caesar salad chop up the chicken and add it to your salad. The original Caesar salad is with Caesar dressing and romaine lettuce. Meat Shepherd’s Pie another legendary leftover’s dish, whip up some mash potatoes and layer the meat with some peas, carrots and onions under the mashed potatoes. Top with cheese and bake. Pasta Bolognese add some pasta, cream and tomato sauce to the leftover meat and enjoy this traditional Italian dish. Fish Fish chowder add some milk and some corn and carrots or potatoes and you’ve got yourself a lovely fish chowder. Shrimp salad top your salad with some shrimp salad, add dressing and enjoy! Or eat it on a sandwich. There are infinite ways to enjoy leftovers. What are your favorite leftover recipes?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Top 5 Inventions Since 1945

Top 5 Inventions Since 1945 Free Online Research Papers Top Five Innovations Since 1945 Imagine your life with no cell phone , computer or Internet, wouldnt you go crazy?Where would the world be without the cell phone the satellite, the M.R.I., the personal computer, or the Internet? Without these innovative objects the world would be at a standstill. There would be no cellular communication, people would not know if they had brain tumors or cancer, or other various diseases. Without the M.R.I, without personal computers people would not be able to accomplish tasks required in their day to day jobs, and without the Internet, well we wouldnt be able to do extensive research for this project. The cell phone provides people with the necessary communication needed for their lives. Cell phones allow everyone to stay adequately connected with one another. The first cell phone was created in 1973 by Dr. Martin Cooper. Nowadays, cell phones do far more then just calling, they allow the user to text message, email, listen to music, take pictures, and access the Internet. All with blazing fast speed getting faster every day with the new 3G networks. With all these features, a cell phone enhances productivity, such as emailing clients on the go or checking show times at a movie theater when a computer is not present. If people lose their cell phones, they would not know what to do. Communications between people would be cut off. The world would not allow proper cellular communication. Another important invention since 1945 is the M.R.I. Another very important invention is the M.R.I. M.R.I. stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The M.R.I. was invented by Dr. Raymond V. Damadian in 1973. The M.R.I offers people a new way to take a closer look at peoples brains, hearts, arteries, and other bodily parts for microscopic analysis. The M.R.I looks much more extensively beneath the humans skin to see even the littlest things that could affect a humans life, such as blood clots, and tumors. Without M.R.I. technology many people would suffer from unknown deformities within their body. The M.R.I. has helped many people out and has developed a tremendous amount over the past years. The results of the M.R.I. are very thorough and can show details of the scan that would never be seen even by the best doctors in the world. Another thing about the M.R.I. is that the machine is relatively compact for its greatness. The clarity of the scans is what places this machine above all others. Moreover, the personal computer also helps a nd create convenience to many people. The personal computer is necessary for everyday personal and business related tasks. A personal computer is used to program and control everything from machinery to writing a paper of the top five inventions since 1945. Personal computers allows communication between business related work as well as personal matters. Personal computers also provide entertainment for its users. This includes videos, games, music, and photographs. Before the personal computer, typewriters were the method that someone would use to create a typed word documents. However, personal computers make creating word documents a breeze. Personal computers allow a user to create various programs and share them with one another. Personal computers, could be argued to be, the best invention in the history of the world. Another invention that impacted the world to many degrees, that would not be possible without the computer, is the Internet. The Internet is a central intelligence base for virtually everything that exists in the world today. The Internet allows people to communicate, share files such as, music, pictures, and videos. The Internet also provides a second part to many people businesses. The businesses can conduct more business than what they already do in the store on-line. The Internet can increase the productivity of almost everyone who has a computer. If you are working on a project it is much quicker to just go to Wikipedia or Google than it is to search through an actual encyclopedia page by page, until you find every last detail you need. Therefore this makes a students very stressful life a lot easier. Another new great thing that the Internet has to offer are sites such as Facebook that allow people of all ages to communicate and chat post pictures and videos and set a real time status of what theyre doing. People think it would be easy to give up the Internet, but in fact a lot of peoples lives are spent on the Internet. Without satellites communications would be nearly impossible. The Satellites that we have in space today control almost every wireless device. The first satellite that was launched into space was the Sputnik launched by the Russians in 1957. Every wireless cell phone signal, call, email, or text message goes through the Satellites. The satellites also control television for the television providers such as DirectTV. The world would enter a kind of Stone Age with no satellites because without it these cell phones would not work, Internet would not work, and t.vs would not have service. As you can see, it is clear as to what the five greatest inventions are since 1945. All the above stated are what make up are highly technological society. Without these innovative inventions our society would consist of corruption and unnecessary hardships geared towards everyday activities. Our modern day society would not function properly, if we were lacking these five best innovations. These five innovations not only provide a luxury and a form of convenience, but also provide a sense of security during your day to day lives. These five beneficial innovations provide a world with a better understanding and a higher level of convenience that without, would crumble into pieces. Research Papers on Top 5 Inventions Since 1945Incorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfGenetic EngineeringWhere Wild and West MeetMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanPETSTEL analysis of India

Sunday, October 20, 2019

2017 2018 Full Review of Every ACT Test Date

2017 2018 Full Review of Every ACT Test Date SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Choosing an ACT test date can be difficult because what works for one person won't necessarily work for someone else. Ultimately, whether a test date is good for you depends on how soon you want to start prepping,what your goal scores are, andwhether you have any obligations around that time. In this guide, we give you the pros and cons of all upcoming ACT test dates and explain which dates work well- as well as which ones don't work so well- for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Feature image:Dafne Cholet/Flickr 2017 ACT Test Dates Autumn and early winter test dates are ideal for juniors taking the ACT for the first time, and for seniors taking the ACTone last time before college applications are due. However, sophomores should typically avoid these dates. September 9, 2017 Sophomores This ACT test date is far too early for sophomores. At this time, you won’t know many of the major concepts tested on the ACT. What's more, you probably won't have a concrete list of where you want to apply to college yet, so there’s no point in taking the ACT if you don't have a cleargoal scorebased on your schools. If you really want a head start on ACT prep, though, go ahead and start doing some light studying.You might want to buy a couple of prep books or work through somehigh-quality practice questions online. This lets you slowly familiarize yourself with the ACT without actually taking it. Juniors September is an ideal time for juniors to take their first ACT. Taking it early lets you get a feel for what's on the ACT and how it works, and gives you enough time to prepare for a retake in the spring or summer. Additionally, this date lets you prep entirely over the summer instead of during the school year, which is helpful if you think you'll have trouble squeezing in ACT prep when school is in session. Seniors This date is a good time for seniors to make a final attempt at the ACT, as it offers ample time for your scores to get to your schools, even if you’re applying early action or early decision. You'll also have the entire summer to prepare for the test. This is especially important for seniors since it means you won’t need to juggle ACT prep with college applications.As a result, you'll feel less overwhelmed and less anxious about everything you need to do. PSAT Test Date: October , 2017 It's important to keep this date in mind when choosing an ACT test date.Apractice test for the SAT (not the ACT), the PSATserves two primary purposes: To prepare sophomores and juniors for the SAT To recognize high-scoring juniors (top 1%) as National Merit Semifinalists Despite the fact the SAT and ACT are two different tests, they share many similarities in content and structure. Therefore, taking the PSAT could give you a clearer sense of what kind of content you’ll need to know to do well on the ACT. Don't be scared ... this next test date is right around Halloween! October 28, 2017 Sophomores This test date is still too early for sophomores.Most likely, you still won’t know where you’re applying to college and won't understand all of the concepts being tested.But if you’re really interested in getting an ACT test-taking experience, there are better options than taking the test this soon. One (free) option is to take a full-lengthACT practice test. Official tests are guaranteed to give you the most realistic practice possible. Another, and perhaps more level-appropriate, option is to take the PreACT. This test, which began in 2016and costs $12, is a practice ACT, similar to how the PSAT is a practice test for the SAT. Unlike the PSAT, though, the PreACT can be administered anytime from September to June; there is also no scholarship competition associated with it. Finally, you may want to consider taking the PSAT. As I mentioned earlier, this test is nearly identical to the SAT, so it’s not totally relevant to the ACT. But since the redesigned SAT and ACT are very similar now, taking the PSAT can offer you a broader sneak peek at how college admission tests work. Juniors If you missed the September date for your first ACT, this is another solid date for you to take it on.Like the September date, this date gives you plenty of time to prepare for a retake in spring or summer. If you’re taking the PSAT, however, opt for a different ACT test date. Studying for both tests at once will likely overwhelm and confuse you (especially since the PSAT is slightly different from the ACT), so go with one of the two instead of both. Seniors This is another solid choice for seniors. Most college application deadlines are around January 1, so an October test date offers plenty of time for your scores to get to schools.If you’re applying early action or early decision, this is the last date you can take the ACT and still get your scores to your schools in time. Because you’ll likely be busy preparing your college applications in October, I suggest aiming for the earlier September test date if possible. This way you won't have too many things to keep track of and can focus entirely on getting your applications together in October and November. December 9, 2017 Sophomores This test date, too, is a bit early for sophomores. That said, if you really want to know what the ACT is like, you’re welcome to flex your test-taking muscles and try it out. Just don’t put too much pressure on yourself to do extremely well on it. (Remember, you won't have learned everything that's on the ACT anyway!) What I recommend instead, though, is to continue working with practice questions and reviewing the various concepts tested on the ACT. Juniors This test date, though doable for juniors, can be a little trickier since it might overlap with finals. I would only opt for this test date if you missed the two dates in the fall and want to get your first ACT over with before springtime. Seniors For many schools, this is the last date you can take the ACT and still have your scores get to your schools in time.While it's too late for early action or early decision applicants, this test date should work fine for the majority of regular decision applicants. The biggest problem with this date is that it might overlap with finals, so make sure you’re balancing your prep time wisely. You don't want to overwork yourself by studying for too many tests at once! In addition, if you took the ACT in September but were unhappy with your scores, this date offers one last chance to try to raise them before your college application deadlines. If only we could actually jump to new years! 2018 ACT Test Dates Late winter, spring, and summer test dates are usually too late for seniors but should work well for juniors and high-achieving sophomores. February 10, 2018 This test date is not available in New York. Sophomores Again, this date is early for sophomores. If you’re really feeling ready to test the waters, though, go ahead and try the ACT.Just don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself to get a high score, especially on Math. If you're currently in Geometry, it's better to wait to take the ACT since you won't know the vast majority of concepts it tests. If you're in Algebra II, however, you'll know most concepts and could give it a shot if you really want to. (And if you're in Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry, you should definitely be fine!) Juniors If you took the ACT back in the fall and are getting ready to retake it, you could sign up for this date- but it’s probably better to hold off until spring. A spring test date ultimately gives you more time to study and hone your test-taking skills. Moreover, with an early February test date, you’ll most likely need to prep over winter break, which can be difficult to do if you're trying to juggle holidays and family time. Seniors This is the very last ACT date seniors can choose for regular decision deadlines. Unfortunately, not many schools accept February ACT scores (December is typically the last date you can take the test). If your school does accept February scores, however, this will be your final chance to get the scores you want and send them in. As with anything related to college applications, check your schools’ policies to see whether they accept February ACT scores before you signup for this date as a senior. April 14, 2018 Sophomores This date is the earliest I recommend sophomores take the ACT. At this point, you should be familiar with most concepts tested on the ACT, though there may still be some (particularly in math) you've yet to learn. By taking the ACT this early, you’ll get a sense of where you’re scoring and can then use the rest of spring, as well as the entire summer, to prepare for a retake in September or October your junior year. This puts you way ahead of the game! Juniors The April test date is a great time for juniors to take the ACT since it shouldn’t conflict with finals or most mid-terms. If you already took the ACT in the fall of your junior year, this is an ideal time to retake it and try to improve your score. On the other hand, if you haven’t taken the ACT at all yet, definitely take it by this date. This way you'll have the entire summer to prepare for a second attempt in the fall of your senior year. Seniors This date is too late for seniors.At this point, any scores you get on this ACT won't make it to your schools in time, so make sure you take the ACT in December (possibly February) or earlier. Would you rather go to the beach this summer or take the ACT? Before you say, "Go to the beach, duh!" just remember that you can't get a sunburn in a test center. Think about it. June 9, 2018 Sophomores This date is another date that could work well for sophomores looking to get a head start on the ACT.A June test date means you’ll get your scores by late June or early July and can then use the rest of your summer to prepare for a retake at the beginning of your junior year.At this rate, you might get all of your testing done before even starting your college applications- and that will definitely save you a headache later on! Unfortunately, the June date is likely to conflict with finals. So if you're already getting overwhelmed by those, it’s better to wait. Juniors Another solid option for juniors, the June test date allows you to get the ACT over with before summer vacation andwhen you're still in "learning mode" for school. As I mentioned before, though,this date might conflict with finals, so make sure you know your schedule ahead of time before registering for this date.Generally speaking, the April test date is a better option for juniors,as it is less likely to coincide with school tests and end-of-school-year events. July 14, 2018 This test date is not available in New York. Sophomores The July date is a solid time for sophomores (who are entering their junior year) to take the ACT and see where their strengths and weaknesses lie. The biggest benefit of this date is that you’ll have completed your sophomore year and therefore learned the bulk of what you’ll need to know for the ACT. Also, because this date is in the middle of summer, you won’t have to deal with homework or tests as you prep. Unfortunately, this also means you won’t get to have as carefree a summer as other people since you’ll be studying for the ACT- but, honestly, this might be worth it in the long run if you can avoid having to take the test your senior year! Scores from this test date come out around August, about a month before the September ACT. Since this doesn’t give you a lot of time to analyze your scores and prepare for a retake, it’s better to retake the ACT, at earliest, in October your junior year. Juniors This summer date offers a convenient opportunity to take the test when you have no school commitments or college applications to worry about. It's particularly convenient for juniors who want to avoid taking the ACT their senior year. Unfortunately, this means you’ll need to spend about half your summer studying for the exam. Still, it can be worth it if you feel you’ll get overwhelmed senior year due to college applications and awkward homecoming dances. It's time to push the big, fat "When" button- or, er, bubble? When Should You Take the ACT? Key Takeaways There are seven ACT test dates in the 2017-18 testing year. These are: September 9, 2017 October 28, 2017 December 9, 2017 February 10, 2018* April 14, 2018 June 9, 2018 July 14, 2018* *Not available in New York. ACT test dates are spread throughout year, from fall to summer, and offer multiple opportunities to take the ACT and get the score you want- especially if you’re a sophomore or junior. For sophomores, the best test dates are in April, June, and July. These dates ensure you’ve learned most of the exam's content and will have plenty of time to study and retake the test at the start of your junior year. Juniors have the most freedom and can take the ACT on any test date. Usually, we advise juniors to take their first ACT in the fall (September or October) and their second ACT in the spring (April or June). This gives you plenty of time between tests to focus on your weaknesses, study hard, and hopefully raise your score. Finally, seniors should stick to taking the ACT in September or October- possibly December. If you want to take the ACT one last time before your college applications are due, the two fall dates guarantee your scores will get to your schools in time, no matter whether you’re applying regular decision or early action/early decision.Though December is too late for early action, most regular decision applicants shouldn't have any trouble with the December test date. Ultimately, no matter when you decide to take the ACT, make sure you've got a solid study plan so that you'll know how much you need to prep and can carve out enough time for your studies! What’s Next? Want more help choosing an ACT test date?Check out our full guide to choosing to get tips on how to find the perfect test date for you. When should you register for the ACT?In our guide to ACT registration dates and deadlines, we give you all of the info you need, from deadlines to fees, to make the testing plans you want. Should you take the ACT more than once?There are many benefits of taking the ACT multiple times, the main one being that you can improve your score on a retake! Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Qatar National Vision 2030 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Qatar National Vision 2030 - Research Paper Example As far as the living conditions are concerned, the vision aims at developing beyond the production of oil. Basically, vision 2030 Qatar aims at impacting the human development, social, economic and environmental development. Human development is an aspect of the vision that Qatar aims at bringing it to life. The aspects that have been outlined in the human development include the health of the people of Qatar and their political well being. According to General secretariat for development (2012) the vision aims at improving the health of a citizen of Qatar by coming up with a system of healthcare provision that is well integrated. Technology is the order here and, therefore, healthcare services will deploy the latest technology for the good of the health of the people of Qatar (National Health Strategy, 2011). In addition, the people managing the healthcare services will be well trained to meet the high world-class standards. The services will be made accessible to everyone and, ther efore, no one will be left out in any case. The world-class healthcare provision will not only serve the existing generation, but also the generations to come. The political aspect of human development shall be based on the constitution to help in the resolving of the political leadership of the citizens of Qatar. The aspect of human development is a key pillar to the achieving the vision 2030 because, people make a very precious asset to the country (Qatar Tribune, 2011). If the investment are well established in the people, full participation to economic, social and political aspects will be guaranteed. As a result, the entire society will prosper. Human development also stresses on the improved education and full participation in the Qatar workforce. With human development the vision is achieved because, healthy living will dictates productivity, improved education improves on knowledge while improved participation results into sustainable economic growth. Social development is a lso a pillar onto which Qatar vision 2030 is built. Social development aims at projecting components such as the social welfare of the Qatar citizens and also protection to the citizens. Social development also aims at motivating the citizens of Qatar to actively participate in the development of national unity. Social development also entails equal opportunities to access education, career development and employment opportunities without basing on factors such as ethnic groups, age, social status or people’s background. Social development also aims at providing adequate social care and protection. In essence, it aims at developing families that are dedicated enough to offer protection and care to its members while taking into account the moral standards of the society at large (Ng and Khalaqi, 2011). Social development is a stepping stone to the achievement of the Qatar vision 2030 as with it, a well developed social structure will be formed and hence enhancing the internati onal cooperation. This hence means Qatar will stick to its international role, and hence sustainable growth. Economic development is also a pillar that plays a crucial role in the attaining of the vision 2030, of Qatar. Economic develop

Friday, October 18, 2019

Law of the Costitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Law of the Costitution - Essay Example ental principles of Britain’s unwritten Constitution, and the role of judges within the context of those principles by stating that the indivisibility of Parliamentary power requires that all exercise of Governmental power must be authorized by Parliament, since it is the source of all valid authority.1 As a result, the British power of judicial review by the Courts would not include the power to invalidate Acts of Parliament, rather the Courts may only use their powers to constrain any abuse of powers by the other arms of Government, such as the legislative and executive branches2. This political and legal view is based upon the absolute and indivisible sovereignty of the British Parliament3. As stated by Dicey: (a) â€Å"Parliament has the right to make or unmake any law whatever†4 and (b) no person or body may be recognized as having the legal authority to set aside or invalidate the acts of Parliament, except Parliament itself.5 Thus, the indivisibility of Parliamentary power sets it out as the source of all valid authority.6 As a result, the British power of judicial review would not include the power to invalidate Acts of Parliament, rather the Courts may only use their powers to constrain any abuse of powers by the other arms of Government.7 Jennings has opposed Dicey’s theory by arguing for limiting of Parliamentary power by the manner and form of the process of procedural entrapment8. A piece of legislation would be deeply entrenced if amendment requires unanimous support within the Houses of Parliament. Jennings defines legal sovereignty by specifying that Parliament has power to make laws for the time being, but not to bind future Parliament. The power of Parliament to make laws is also subject to the rule of recognition that is to be recognized by the Courts, â€Å"including a rule which alters this law itself.†9 Hence law making will be conditioned by the rule of recognition, which should limit the powers of Parliament to bind successors in an era

Rock and Roll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rock and Roll - Essay Example Rock and roll lyrics in the early 60’s were mostly inclined towards love; nevertheless, numerous other themes were addressed either independently from or alongside romance. A noteworthy element of rock and roll in the 60s was that it was markedly inclined towards the musicality and authenticity of ideology unlike other genres such as pop. During this period, several other music varieties emerged bearing a distinctive rock music sub-genre feel such as RnB Folk rock and Jazz fusion among others. The period also saw the development of more specific music types such as progressive rock, this particular genre majored on artistic elements while glam rock could be said to emphasize showmanship as well as the visual technique. Notably, the diverse and enduring major sub-genre that is heavy metal has retained most of its initial attributes also was also introduced around this time, unlike the others it focused on the volume power as well as speed. Fashion In 1999, the metropolitan muse um of Art acknowledged the role played by rock music in fashion in an exhibition running from up to 2000 in which the significant stages in rock and roll fashion were on display (Vogue, n.d). Fashion is one of the most important art forms and so is music as such it was only natural that the two are merged and the impact of the unity of the two was seen in performance of rock and roll from the onset. In its advent, the influence of rock and roll in fashion was seen in the clothes popularized by the early rock stars; Elvis Presley had his blue suede shoes, the Beatles in the British invasion brought with them their hairstyle, which influenced the American hair fashion sense for decades (Gritten, 1994). In addition, Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx and many others then also inspired tattoos that came in vogue around. In the 60’s, musical groups would wear stage uniforms made in expensive materials for stage performances and they would be identified with their particular looks whi ch their fans often copied. In the mid 60’s, the rolling stones showed up and they introduced the tough leather wearing street image and are credited with being the first to cast aside the group fashion mentality. Each of them adopted his own style and they did not have to conform to a specific dress code or uniform, this spawned a myriad of fashion trends and actually brought about a split in the cultural scene where there were two groups, the mods and rocker. The former preferred expensive high end clothing and rockers went for jeans and t-shirts, the rockers clearly won in and even today, the fashion trend which they set in the 60’s is still dominant today among both artists and in the fashion industry. In addition, the late sixties, rockers embraced the hippie fashion, wore jeans, tie, and dye t-shirts, which became totem of the 1960s fashion. In the 70’s, when disco hits became popular the urban styles that were the epitome of fashion took a firm hold on to day’s world and have continued to evolve over the years. Grudge was popularized by bands such as nirvana, which were characterized by a gothic look that is a major part of today’s performance of rock music both on stage and on the digital media. Surprisingly, todays rock stars such as Bon Jovi have not moved too far away from the 70s and 80s fashion and in his videos such â€Å"We weren’t born to follow† there is a distinct similarity between the rock stars in their faded jeans and t-shirts to their forerunners decades ago. In addition, the individuality that sparked off by the rolling stones

Thursday, October 17, 2019

BS (Britsh standard) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

BS (Britsh standard) - Essay Example Managing obsolescence has been proved to be one of the major challenges for a graduate design engineer as obsolescence can adversely affect the life of products in almost all of their stages. The use of commercial parts in systems and the large increase in commercial products have accelerated the rate of obsolescence. As obsolescence is an inevitable part as far as various products are concerned, the only possible solution is to minimize the rate of obsolescence with proper and effective management strategies and planning: â€Å"Obsolescence is inevitable and it cannot be ignored but forethought and careful planning can minimize its impact and its potentially high costs† (British Standard p.1). Obsolescence management thus assumes special significance as it is â€Å"an integral part of design, development, production and in-service support† (British Standard p. 1). The British standard is significant and it is selected for the purpose of study due to its unavoidable imp ortance in effective design management systems. The British standard is relevant and significant to any graduate design engineer because it offers certain clear-cut guidelines â€Å"for establishing a framework for obsolescence management and for planning a cost-effective obsolescence management process that is applicable through all phases of the product life cycle† (British Standard p. 1). The standard is applied to all types of products whether they are electronic, electrical or electro-mechanical components. Thus, for a graduate design engineer a thorough knowledge of the various provisions that can ensure the quality and life cycle costs of various products. The process for selecting the British Standard on obsolescence management include the identification of the potential factors that cause o obsolescence, identification of the possible risks involved in the process, calculation of

Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Management - Essay Example One of the greatest differences between marketing to business and marketing to consumers is that B2B marketing is more dependent on relationship building, thus increasing the value of relationship and building brand identity on the basis of personal relationship. Another difference is that the target market is smaller and should be carefully identified. A marketing strategy for the business market should be developed taking into consideration multi-step buying process and longer sales cycle. In addition, while the goal of consumer marketing is to make a shopper a customer (emotional buying decisions can be made), the major aim of business marketing is to provide the business with business value – organizations, in most cases, make rather rational buying decisions. Therefore, multiple individuals within the target organization should be educated on the value of the product, because business procurement is a multi-step process. Historically, the auto industry is heavily affected by the 5 external environments (macro-level). For each of the five (social/cultural, political and legal, competitive, technological, and economic) discuss three aspects within each environment that would impact the marketing planning for the next couple of years.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

BS (Britsh standard) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

BS (Britsh standard) - Essay Example Managing obsolescence has been proved to be one of the major challenges for a graduate design engineer as obsolescence can adversely affect the life of products in almost all of their stages. The use of commercial parts in systems and the large increase in commercial products have accelerated the rate of obsolescence. As obsolescence is an inevitable part as far as various products are concerned, the only possible solution is to minimize the rate of obsolescence with proper and effective management strategies and planning: â€Å"Obsolescence is inevitable and it cannot be ignored but forethought and careful planning can minimize its impact and its potentially high costs† (British Standard p.1). Obsolescence management thus assumes special significance as it is â€Å"an integral part of design, development, production and in-service support† (British Standard p. 1). The British standard is significant and it is selected for the purpose of study due to its unavoidable imp ortance in effective design management systems. The British standard is relevant and significant to any graduate design engineer because it offers certain clear-cut guidelines â€Å"for establishing a framework for obsolescence management and for planning a cost-effective obsolescence management process that is applicable through all phases of the product life cycle† (British Standard p. 1). The standard is applied to all types of products whether they are electronic, electrical or electro-mechanical components. Thus, for a graduate design engineer a thorough knowledge of the various provisions that can ensure the quality and life cycle costs of various products. The process for selecting the British Standard on obsolescence management include the identification of the potential factors that cause o obsolescence, identification of the possible risks involved in the process, calculation of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Case Study Example The case describes a systematic problem because the organization has not yet developed any defined organizational culture that promotes better understanding of diverse value system in order to develop shared goals and strong teamwork. In international businesses, cultural understanding of host nation becomes hugely important factor that influences the work performance of individuals. Chinese business practices are very sensitive to behavioral pattern. It is intrinsically linked to socio-cultural value system that necessitates better understanding of cross-cultural value system and effective communication across workforce so that workplace conflicts could be resolved amicably. The conflict could have been avoided in the first place if the managerial leadership had promoted distinct culture of shared learning, common goals and collective decision making. To resolve present conflict, the leadership should acknowledge Li’s contribution to the firm and to the project. At the same time, Tang needs to emphasize the importance of shared goals and teamwork and his reasons for discontinuing the project. He should also seek Li’s input on why the project should be continued. If Li is able to successfully explain the validity of project he should be allowed to complete it provided he involves others and completes it as team rather than as an

Monday, October 14, 2019

Platos Republic Essay Example for Free

Platos Republic Essay Socrates describes a perfect city in Plato’s The Republic. Many questions are asked in the book, such as â€Å"What is an ideal city? † Or, â€Å"What is justice? † And, â€Å"Is justice in the city possible? † Socrates tries to find the real meaning of the word justice. He starts with justice within a single person, and then he tries to take that concept and apply it to the city. Then, to figure out the perfect city, he goes back to the single person to find justice there. He shows that the perfect city needs the people in it to be assigned to their place. People who play their role in the city must be people of justice for the city to have justice. For Socrates, his idea of a perfect city has all the needed requirements for the city to exist with harmony. In order to develop the idea for a perfect city, Socrates has to create two versions of his city. In his first version of a city, each person in the city fills a need for the city. They are like gears in a watch, and they must fit perfectly. But a city that runs well like a watch doesn’t make a just city. Socrates brother points out that people need luxuries and entertainment. So the second version of the city needs luxuries. Platos ideal city is really the search for the truth of justice, if Socrates were able to find the relationship between the soul and city in his ideal city then he would have the true meaning of justice. We saw from the reading how he broke down the citys parts and also the soul. According to Plato, Socrates broke down the perfect city into four parts; each part is tied to a specific virtue that he believes will help define justice. The first three virtues are wisdom, courage, and moderation. Wisdom is the whole knowledge, which describes the rulers of the city. The rulers should be the ones who incorporate philosophy and ruling together to rule the city wisely. Courage describes the guardians, whose job was to defend the city from invasion and take new lands for the city. The third virtue of the ideal city was moderation which is the concept of self-control and each person knowing his or her role, also the concept of one man, one job. In The Republic, Plato divides the city into three classes: gold, silver, and brass and iron souls. Each class is designated to have a specific virtue. He believes that wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice combine together to form The Republic. Plato’s four virtues individually do not produce a perfect society. A combination of the four in each citizen is needed to have the ideal society. In Plato’s idea for the perfect â€Å"republic†, he decides that the basis of the city will be on four virtues. The first of them is wisdom. Plato defines wisdom as knowledge of the city as a whole. Of the three classes, the gold souls possess the virtue of wisdom. The gold souls are the only class whose knowledge goes beyond the mere facts to the level of true wisdom. In the Republic, the gold souls would be the philosopher kings, because they have been taught to see the truth of all things. The idea that philosophers should be kings would infuriate the leaders. Socrates threatened their positions and their qualification for being leaders. This is likely why they made false charges against him and killed him, as shown in his Socrates’ Apology.? The second virtue that Plato defines is courage. Courage is the preservation of the opinion produced by law, through education about what things are bad and what things are good. Courage can be found in the silver souls. Plato uses the example that when dyers want to dye wool, they start with the background. They need the right kind of white material, and they have to prepare it carefully; and if they go to this trouble, you cannot bleach the color out. If they do a poor job of it, the cloth quickly becomes washed-out and faded. Plato uses the dying analogy to city how he wishes to train the silver souls. He states that the people will undergo a precise training. Only uplifting music and physical activity will only be allowed. Plato wants a good upbringing to make the right ideas permanent in them, so that the bleach of pleasure, grief, fear, or death, would not wash the true colors from their souls. Once they get to this point of having a clear, firm grasp of what is really dangerous to a man, they knew their only task was to show courage. The silver souls can be compared with the guardians of the city who were not selected to be the leaders. They are also referred to as the auxiliaries. The third virtue in The Republic, is moderation. Plato defines moderation as the kind of harmony between the brass and silver souls. Moderation is the ability to control desires and to be the master of one’s own self. There are two things at work in a man’s heart. One is good, and one is bad. The bad can overwhelm the good. If the people have bad training or keep company with the wrong people, the bad force grows powerful and can overwhelm the good. If the good one controls them, then there is moderation; but if the bad one controls, they are a slave to their own desires. When a city as a whole is moderate, it is in harmony. Moderation is different from wisdom or courage. It is found not just in the gold and silver souls, but as something that runs throughout the city. The kings and the guardians must possess these to be people of justice and to help the city be a city of justice. The brass and iron class were the workers, and they are not held to the same high standard of sacrifice and knowledge that the silver and gold classes are, but as individuals they are required to have the same balance of the three virtues. However, they are stuck in the cave, looking at the forms on the walls. Their role in the city is to not be as enlightened as their leaders.? The fourth virtue comes when the city has a perfect balance of the other three. That is justice. The ideal city described in the Republic is ideal because it relates all essential parts to bring harmony among the different kind of people and the virtues that go hand in hand with to bring about justice. Socrates did have a belief that the person’s sex should not matter when it comes to their role in the perfect city. People were assigned to their roles based on if they fit the role – that is all. Socrates believed that if a woman can do everything a man can do then so be it. She could become a guardian. So, if a woman is fit for a guardian position, she should be a guardian. This belief was ahead of its time by more than 2000 years. Therefore, the question should be asked, â€Å"Is such a city possible, or is it just an ideal that is good to dream about? † My answer would be that it is impossible because it seems that everyone has a specific role to follow depending upon their abilities, both physically and mentally. What Socrates assumed is that with all the justice, people will be content with where they are. People who do not have much always look at the rich and want that kind of life. People on the bottom are always going to want more, which is human nature. This part of human nature will probably never be kept down, no matter how much justice there is in a city. The people of the city will be happy for some time, but the people at the bottom will ask questions about why they’re stuck in the job they have. When one group decides they want more the happiness will be destroyed, because each group will want more and more. The lower groups always want to reach for the top. When we see kids today, they are always striving to become the best and do something out of the ordinary, something that may be out of their class but if determined they can accomplish any feat. I know from my own experience, growing up in India, that big problems occur in a society when we classify everything, because the lower classes want to be higher. This is just basic human nature. Putting Plato and Socrates city to real life, take any country or city. For instance, India is a country that still has a lot of problems with castes. The highest caste was the educated Brahmins and the lowest caste is still called â€Å"Untouchables. † The Brahmins were only to be knowledgeable, or educated, and there were also people who entered the armies or were placed into them. The armies were the guardians of India, protecting the kingdoms and constantly looking for new land to acquire. The lower castes worked as tradesman and farmers. They took care of the basic needs of everyone in the country by producing products for the entire country. When you look at India today, it is changing. In the cities, you see people succeeding no matter what their caste is. Untouchables are getting educated more and they are not held back from getting a job just because they are untouchable, and India is improving without the required placement of people in lifelong roles. What happened? People do not want to be placed in certain roles, even if the role suits them. It is fine if you are the upper class, but the people at the bottom want to achieve success and rise to the top, which breaks down Socrates’s perfect city. No one wants to be content with being at the bottom; everyone wants to be able to try to be at the top. Platos ideal city would only work if people were content with their God-given positions. If there is harmony between the groups, then there is happiness, as we see in the soul and city throughout The Republic. However, in real life people find harmony with themselves when they achieve their goals and live a good life. I agree with that philosophy because I also want to achieve more and I am happy when I achieve my goals. Unfortunately, no one is truly happy though because people will always want more. Video References ? http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=3bVBpLjh13E ? http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=d2afuTvUzBQ.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Can Students Study Better Using A Tablet?

Can Students Study Better Using A Tablet? Can Students Study Better Using Digital Textbooks on a Tablet Than They Can By Using Books, Pens and Paper Nowadays young starts were easily adopting to the new technologies and implementing them in education, similarly do the students can studying better using digital textbooks on a tablets rather than using traditional method of reading textbooks, well in my opinion students has to adopt to the digital textbooks because it is very flexible and has many advantages like compact, take very less place to store and no wear and tears and so on where this all helps the students to be smart in the real world. Many people says that many of students were very much comfortable with the hard copies in my sense this is because eBooks may not be accessible in their places. There is absolutely no doubt the digital textbooks are cheaper. Students at the Stepinac college paid $700 for textbooks previously which year only $150 for having access to the digital library (by Theresa Walsh Giarrusso september 2013). Even Students are very attached to their mobile phones and tablets but they have not been enamoured to digital books even though the cost is low, since they are very much habituated to hard copies of text books. This method indirectly effects the environment. This results in deforestation and pollution. Although students in college today are very attached to their cellular devices, they have not really been enamoured associated with e-books. In 2010, digital books accounted for 3 percent associated with textbooks sales using the National Association associated with College Stores (By Bertha Coombs, on June 2011). Analysts say its because until now e-textbooks happen to be little more bit more than PDF replicates of physical textbooks, impractical for students whore accustomed to mentioning their paper copies since they study. Researchers at on the web education firm Xplana state the shift toward tablets in the year ahead wills certainly jumpstart demand for e-texbooks in the $8 billion Oughout. S. education publication market. iPads and other tablets will probably be in the possession around 20 percent of scholars by the fall of 2012, states that Xplana director associated with research Rob Reynolds. Thats an enormous impact. Its fastest developing technology tha t weve welcomed in education. Reynolds predicts electronic digital book sale growth in the higher education market will double over the next four many years to $1. 5 billion by 2015, and be the cause of 25 percent market share. A big jump in the amount of interactive texts available for the new supplement platforms next fall could also spur greater requirement. Text books are heavy and no longer necessary when the information can be downloaded. In classrooms in my area, iPads have been very successful. iPads are a recent some-what inexpensive tablet computer that became available in 2010. Apple company offers good education programs for universities. The weight with the textbooks in his or her backpacks would injure their backs overtime. Whereas an iPad is merely 1. 44 fat. The iPad can also have educational video games for the students to find out and entertain independently (article took in While in many countries people still go with traditional method using the hard copies because the people were not well fascinated to technology. Due to this the children in some developing countries like India were facing the problem while carrying text books to the schools that their back bone were getting bent due to the over load of caring more books. Perhaps using the di gital books really gives a lot of advantages to the students like it occupies only small place to save thousands of text books and it is very easy to carry from one place to another. Using an ipad could help children look into the console and make children compose more. Scholars might not need to keep getting up to hone their pencils which diverts the educator and learners. The point when individuals have untidy penmanship, their work looks flawless and is not difficult to peruse on the ipad. When young children make use of iPads as well as notebooks theyre going to learn to make better do the job and stay cleverer. Many people argue that as compared with traditional method of reading, seating in front of tablets and ipads will create some health problem like eye strain and health hazard, and also it seems to be less concentrated while studying, but in my opinion digital books will make our work quick and easy I am sure that one can find a article in eBook quickly rather than using a textbook. Finally i would like to conclude that people has to update their habits as the technology changes this helps the students to be smart in the real world, thereby using ipads, tablets, and smartphones helps students to learn more faster within a less time and also they were eco friendly to environment. References : Bertha Coombs, on June 2011 Theresa Walsh Giarrusso september 2013 NAME: ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY PREWRITING ARGUMENT QUESTION: 1

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

There are many different programs, which offer scholarships for studying in different parts of the world. In order to pick the right one for you, one needs to clearly understand what he/she expects from the program. I find UGRAD to be one of most promising programs for studying in the US for me, because it offers everything I’m looking for. Studying in the US has many great advantages like having an opportunity to get higher quality education, learning about the American people, exploring their lifestyle, culture and holidays, improving your English as well as becoming more responsible and mature person than you are currently. Armenian education system is descendent of the former Soviet Union one, so as a consequence it is more concentrating on theory rather than on the practical usage of the information. The problem is that without knowing how to apply the knowledge, one won't be able to become a good specialist. It is like having a tool but not knowing how to use it. Imagine having the latest, most powerful computer without having a power supply. You can’t make any use of it. This is the situation I found myself in - universities here give profound knowledge however, they are far from providing you with skills of using it. Whereas American education system pays more attention to practical skills, which include ability of doing research, actively interacting with problems of real life as well as developing critical thinking skills. Not to mention that due to having much more progressive equipment and better facilities studying is an easier, more attractive and more joyful process for students. Studying in the US is a perfect solution, as I will get best from both of the worlds. Besides academic challenges, ther... ... As soon as we get to know it better, we find it interesting and even like it. This is the kind of experience I’m looking for. Speaking of motivation I must admit that it came from my English teacher, who kindly showed me the right path to a better future. Thanks to her I had a chance to meet teachers from the US, communicate with them, ask many questions. That was the moment when I realized what I was missing. And the reason beyond my desire to get the best possible education is actually the fact I want to make my country a better place to live in. Armenian economic system is having a hard time nowadays, and the reason is the lack of proper specialist, who would lead the country to the right direction. I hope all the skills and knowledge I’ll bring with me from the US in case of being chosen will help me to become one of the leaders my country needs so much.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Crucible VS. McCarthyism

The main difference between McCarthyism and the Crucible is that McCarthyism was a real political period in the United States when Senator McCarthy tried to scare people that communism was leaking into our government but as for the crucible it was a group of people that was just accusing other people of witchcraft. While the Salem witch trials occurred in the late 1600’s, a similar unfortunate situation occurred in the 1950’s with McCarthyism. The Salem witch trials shared many common characteristics.The similarities include continuous accusations, leading politicians, and the reaction to witchcraft and communism. The Salem witch trials and McCarthyism both involved ongoing accusations that led to numerous innocent people being accused and prosecuted. In The Crucible, local people accuse women and men in Salem of witchcraft. When the teenage girls first accuse Tituba, the Reverend’s housekeeper, a chain of accusations begin. To avoid death, Tituba accused others in the town causing each of the accused to place blame on others.The Crucible is a metaphor for the accusations made in the 1950’s during the McCarthyism era. Senator Joseph McCarthy led the series of allegations with a list of people he felt were related somehow to communism. The list that was made grew as more people accused others for personal revenge. These continuous accusations went on until the original list of over 200 grew to almost 10,000. The accusations would not have led to any consequences without a leader to oversee the proceedings. Both the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism had instigators who fueled the hysteria.The Crucible’s judge supervising the trials of those charged of witchcraft. He not only supervised the trials, he set the punishments for those convicted of witchcraft. It was the judge who decided who was to get what punishment although all accused were innocent. The modern Judge Daniforth is Senator Joseph McCarthy who watched over the 1950à ¢â‚¬â„¢s McCarthyism era. During the McCarthyism era, Senator McCarthy oversaw the proceedings and created the House Un-American Committee. Senator McCarthy directed the questioning to all those accused of association with communism.The Salem witch trials and McCarthyism pretty much go hand in hand. During the witch trials everybody started accusing everybody else of witchcraft. During the McCarthyism era, Senator McCarthy started accusing people of being communists. Senator McCarthy also made up most of the statements he said about the supposed communists. Senator McCarthy is a guy that was known for lying and never telling the truth. A lot of people were executed and basically everyone was killed. They both had leaders causing public hysteria against the accused. Then people realized that there was no proof.Also people that were accused had no say if they were guilty weather they were or not. The similarities begin with a culture of panic. Both instances are characterized by this. The Salem Witch Trials were the result of a concerted effort to find witches brought on by panic. The same was true for Senator McCarthy in the Senate. He was on a mission to find communists and rallied a panicked public around him. The hysteria in Salam led to many people being accused of witchcraft and hanged. McCarthyism was fueled by hysteria because people accused others of being Communists. Both were fueled by paranoia and mass hysteria.The McCarthy Hearings were referred to as â€Å"witch hunts† because of their similarity to the Salem witch trials. They both struck fear in the people due to the â€Å"guilty until you confess† attitude which controlled the courts. In Salem the only way to escape death was to confess and repent; in the McCarthy hearings if you were accused, whether guilty or not, you would always be viewed as a Communist. McCarthy also relates to Abigail in The Crucible, because they both made false accusations against innocent people. McCarthy accused people of being communists, whereas Abigail accused people of using witchcraft.Of course, the events were very different in results and reasons, but the main idea of seeking and hunting down the people who represent different ideals is the same. In both cases, the leaders were looking for people to blame their own fears and lack of certainty on. It was with the Salem witch trials that people from one side of town were accused of being witches, not because they had done anything related to witchcraft, but because they or their families occupied valuable land that the accusers or their masters or friends were seeking to purchase at low prices.By associating the land with witchcraft, the value of the property was greatly decreased. If the woman was found guilty of witchcraft, they and their families could be stripped of their property making it easier to be acquired by those seeking to own it. Senator McCarthy managed to form a senate commission to investigate the spread of com munism in the USA, putting particular focus and emphasis on the entertainment industry. This effectively ended their ability to perform or earn a living under their own names, as they were blacklisted by the industry to assuage McCarthy's perceived political masters.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Working in the Shadows Ch 4

Justin Falcone October 19,2012 Homework # 5 Chapter # 4 Journal In reading chapter 4 in working in the shadows we have seen that Gabriele is on his last week of training. Gabriele is giving the job to cut the four rows of lettuce that are in the path of the machine where the lettuce is stored in the boxes. Gabriele is realizing that 4 rows is a lot and his has to get them done. In this chapter you as the reader really realize all the courage, ambition and strength that Gabriel has. Gabriele has started cutting the lettuce the first day Gabriele couldn’t cut 25 heads before having to stand straight up and relax and stretch his back.Gabriele stayed strong and kept up with his cutting and as the days went up Gabriele has cut thousands of lettuce and was on his way to finish up his rows. In this chapter it tells us that Gabriele starts working with the rest of the group and tells us all the struggles that Gabriel is going threw. Between the aches and pains and the soreness, Gabrie l needs to stay strong, it really allows us as the reader to wonder how hard these immigrants are working. As Gabriele goes on with his workdays no matter how hard he is working he is getting yelled out to work harder even though he believes that he is keeping up with the rest of the workers.Something that caught my eye that I feel this chapter was manly about was the immigrant worker towards the American workers in the United States. On a Sunday morning Gabriel went to visit Mateo, and the comments Mateo where making for me as an American worker in the United States take it personal. Basically trying to say that Mexican and immigrant workers work much harder where they work in there country, and that us Americans only sit in offices and work on computers all day.Something that was left out in this chapter could have answered these comments for me and for Mateo that we as Americans work harder then these immigrants think we do. Gabriele could have given stories or even experiences h e had with working to back up us Americans. At least explain that the reason why immigrants get into the United States and take the labor jobs from many American workers is because immigrants allow the low pay and the extra hours of work, because it isn’t anything new for them.As seen in lettuce picking with the extra hours and the low pay, these immigrants don’t have a choice they need to take these jobs. Towards the end of the chapter Gabriele is explaining how hard this job is for him, one of the hardest and Gabriel has taking 2 days off to relax his body. This job I making Gabriele dream about it that how much he thinks about it and worries about going to work every day. After all in my eyes Gabriel realizes that this job is putting a number to him, but he will not quite, he will work threw pain and suffer no matter what.

Invasion of Privacy in Sports

Invasion of Privacy in Sports Introduction Do we even have any privacy anymore? With todays fast paced, never ending social networks and media outlets, it seems that nothing could get through its grasps. Invasion of Privacy is described as â€Å"A reasonable expectation of privacy involves an intentional or negligent highly offensive intrusion into the plaintiffs private life and resulting in damages to the plaintiff' (Mulrooney ; Styles, 2012, p. 13). In sports there are several ways in which athletes or sports fgures privacy could be invaded. The question is, is it Invasion of Privacy, or did they simply Just feel violated?Description of Invasion of Privacy Every individual has a right to his or her own privacy. When they feel that right has been violated, it becomes an issue of what a reasonable person believes is an invasion of privacy, and whether or not it caused damages to the person. A reasonable person has to base their opinion on Judgment calls instead of basing them on a mandated set of rules or guidelines. There are different situations for every intrusion, with no set guidelines to follow, but â€Å"a reasonable expectation of privacy is used to determine aspects of a plaintiffs life that would be deemed private† (Mulrooney ; Styles, 2012, p. ). An intrusion does not have to include physical contact either, but must cause damages to the plaintiff. Posting a picture of an underage child may cause â€Å"Emotional distress or mental anguish [and] is sufficient cause for damages and therefore the plaintiff does not need to prove and special damages† (Mulrooney ; Styles, 2012, p. 13). Four Elements Invasion of Privacy includes four elements of Public Disclosure. The first is that â€Å"defendant must disclose private facts that are highly offensive† (Mulrooney ; Styles, 2012, p. 13-14).Unless they are not considered offensive to a reasonable person, here is no case to begin with. Second, the public should have no interest or reason to know the information that was made public. Personal matters are a shaky issue. Depending on your status in the public eye depends on how a reasonable person views you. If you are celebrity, athlete, or politician, more than likely anything that happens in your personal life will get out in public and will not be considered an invasion of privacy because of the status of the individual in the general public.On the other hand, let us take an everyday citizen, who may have some kind of medical condition. If their doctor tells the media about it, they would have a legitimate case of invasion of privacy. There is no reason for the public to know, and it may have been highly offensive to the individual. Thirdly, the defendant must be wrong for their intrusion on the plaintiffs privacy. If we stick with the sick patient and the doctor, the doctor had not right for telling anyone about his patient's medical condition. The doctor has a right to not disclose of his patients information to the public, no matter how bad the patient may be.Last, the act or information brought forth must have aused damages to the plaintiff, whether it is physical or non-physical. Although the doctor may not have harmed their patient physically, it would have caused emotional distress. Defenses Consent, the main to detense to invasion ot privacy, is a very â€Å"watery' detense. There are three types of consent, but without all the details the defense may be weak. Express consent is based on written or oral communication, apparent consent is when a reasonable person believes consent has been given, and implied consent (Mulrooney ; Styles, 2012, p. ). If all the information is not provided, consent may be ithdrawn before anything is written up about a case. A second defense is newsworthiness. The media can say that almost every story or publication is newsworthy. However, the plaintiff can claim that their â€Å"image is not being used for commercial gain (Mulrooney & Styles, 2012, p. 1 4). The last defense to invasion of privacy is the unauthorized use of a person's likeness. Taking a person's name or company's logo, using it to advertise, and gaining a profit from is illegal and the plaintiff will be rewarded damages.Street vendors for sporting events are a perfect example of this. They sell t-shirts before and after the game outside of a stadium. The t-shirts may have the name of the city, say Cleveland, but not the name of a team or their logo. If they used their name or logo, it would be considered using the likeness of that organization, and taking away profit from their organization in merchandise sales. Problem it Creates for Sport Managers Looking at how invasion of privacy is structured, those in sports can have a lot of problems with it.As stated above, it becomes a Judgment decision by a reasonable person on whether one feels they were violated or not. Being a coach or one working n the sports field, you have to be wary of any incidents it may cause or put you in with others. As a coach, you may be a responsible person, but who says your team will be. Look at the Duke Lacrosse team. They ended up having to forfeit their entire season, and the coach got fire due to a false rape charge. The alleged rape was at a Duke party where the entire was at (Kwak, 2006). The media and fans play a big role in it.If a player has a bad game, they can get bombarded and lambasted by the media and fans in more ways than one. Not only directly after the game, it's at every press conference, before and after every practice, n every sports network, on every sports website, and so on. That's Just the media. The fans can take to social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. and harass them that way. They can also visit the player's house, send them letters, emails, or call them. The damages done here could be classified as invasion of privacy and emotional distress, depending on what occurs.Current Situation Future Trends Case 1: Bilney vs. The Evening Star Details The 1977 Maryland men's varsity basketball team had to deal with an act of Invasion of Privacy regarding four of their players and the media. In Bilney vs. The Evening Star, basketball players John Bilney, Larry Gibson, Jo Jo Hunter, and Billy Bryant were named in editions of the Washington Post, Washing Star, and the Diamondback, telling of their poor grades and academic probations. With their grades brought out in public, the student-athletes made the decision to sue the publishers ot the newspapers and the writers involved.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Princess Diana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Princess Diana - Essay Example The conclusion provides a summary of her life and basic evidences from her existence. This information is supported by proper data and scientific evidences which is relevant nowadays. The method that is used is particularized examination of a literature together with the critical summarizing and personal inferences on the topic. Princess Diana was considered to the incredible woman and fascinating person. This lady provided a great influence in Britain in particular and world in general. She was remained to be the favorite person from the royal family and was excelled by kindness and charity. Lady Di lived a short, but saturated life and left a big mark afterwards. This woman was amazing and beautiful, charming and marvelous, great and famous. Princess of Wales was born on July 1, 1961 in England (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). Formally she did not belong to the royal family; still, both her parents were in connection with the regal origin (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). Diana’s family was rather big, as she had two older sisters and brother who was younger, so she was remained to be the third child in the family of Spenser’s (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). Her full maiden name was regarded as Diana Frances Spencer; also, she was called as Lady Di and Queen of Hearts (Levchuck, 1999, p.6, 21). Diana was responsible and kind girl since her early years and it was worse to mention that after finishing school she made a decision for passing up â€Å"a carefree life of fun with her friends† and started to occupy more serious affairs (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). She wanted to help people; therefore, Diana Spencer worked as a nanny for one family in America and also became a teacher in the kindergarten (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). It should be admitted that this first tries of her devotion to a children were of high importance for her and laid a ground for further development. Her acquaintance with Prince Charles became a changing

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Economics of Organisations TAKE HOME EXAM (Third Writer) Essay

Economics of Organisations TAKE HOME EXAM (Third Writer) - Essay Example The profits rolled in, and Ford's workers shared in the wealth: an ironic beginning for an auto company that would go on to be a notorious enemy of labor in the 1930s and 1940s." At that time, $5 per day was an extremely high wage to pay manual workers in factories such as the Ford facilities. It was hard enough to even have a job in the first place at the time Ford made this major move, so it was indeed a shock. The economy was really in a shaky situation, as it is today. Having a job at all at that time was considered to be very good luck. People who did have jobs worked very hard-much harder than many manual laborers do today. They did not expect handouts from the government, as many of the unemployed in today's world find themselves doing, whether they are in a situation where they can help it or not. Workers back then were tough, and they certainly weren't freeloaders. Back in ancient Rome, welfare ruined the city and actually led to its failure. The government handed out money to a few greedy companies, those companies went under, and the rest of the city went under with them. This is definitely not a scenario one wants to see happen again. It is also possible that, at that time, Ford had a monopoly on the automobile industry and his altruistic nature guided him to share his excess profits with his employees. The root of the $5-a-day Workday was the success of the moving as... According to the work at (2009 p. 1), "After the success of the moving assembly line, Henry Ford had another transformative idea: in January 1914, he startled the world by announcing that Ford Motor Company would pay $5 a day to its workers. The pay increase would also be accompanied by a shorter workday (from nine to eight hours). While this rate didn't automatically apply to every worker, it more than doubled the average autoworker's wage. While Henry's primary objective was to reduce worker attrition-labor turnover from monotonous assembly line work was high-newspapers from all over the world reported the story as an extraordinary gesture of goodwill." The new wage made thousands of manual laborers flock to Ford's manufacturing facilities. People came all the way from all over the United States to Ford's Detroit plant, and they even came from Europe. Employee turnover, of course, practically vanished. According to History (2009, p. 1), "Henry Ford had reasoned that since it was now possible to build inexpensive cars in volume, more of them could be sold if employees could afford to buy them. The $5 day helped better the lot of all American workers and contributed to the emergence of the American middle class. In the process, Henry Ford had changed manufacturing forever." The following shows an announcement of Ford's plans to raise their wages to $5-a-day: Figure 1: Announcement Source: References Henry Ford's $5-a-Day Revolution 2009. Ford. Available at Ford Sets Record Wages 2009. History. Available at