Sunday, November 3, 2019

IMPACTS OF A BORDERLESS SOCIETY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IMPACTS OF A BORDERLESS SOCIETY - Essay Example Historically, most perishable foods were produced and sold locally, as there was no way of efficiently transporting these products across long distances. However, the increase of technology and globalization has meant that food sold in one city is often produced in a different part of the country, or somewhere else in the world entirely (Halweil, 2002). It is now estimated that food travels 1,500 miles on average from when it is produced to when it is consumed. This includes food being produced on one side of the country and sent to the other, or being produced locally, transported to distribution centers a significant distance away and finally transported back to local supermarkets (Prentice et al., 2010). Another estimation considers that food has changed hands at least six times between where it was produced and where it is sold (Kloppenburg Jr., Hendrickson, & Stevenson, 1996). For the food components that were part of my meals, the initial stages of these products would have been produced on agricultural or dairy farms. For example, dairy products would have been used in the production of the cheese, milk and yoghurt. From that point, the raw product, such as milk, would be sold perhaps to a manufacturer or to a middleman who would later sell it to a manufacturer. The manufacturer (e.g. Yoplait) makes use of raw ingredients sourced from throughout the country and the world to create their product. Generally the manufacturer chooses suppliers that can produce a significant quantity, are reliable, and are low in price. The manufacturer may sell their product directly to suppliers, or may pass it on to a distributer. The distributer then sells the product to the store where it is to be sld to individual consumers, such as a supermarket. The number of steps would be smaller for produce and other products that do not require as much processing, however, I did

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Great Cat Massacre by Robert Darnton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Great Cat Massacre by Robert Darnton - Essay Example The cat massacre served as a clever and afflictive attack on the print master and his wife. By killing the cats, the laborers get back at the master of the shop. The workers hated the cats because their masters love those animals and nurture them more than the workers. By first killing the mistress' beloved cat "la grise," the workers emblematically raped the bourgeoisie. It is a clear display of insult and threat as the workers assured her that no one would be capable of such a crime because they have too much respect for the house. Simultaneously, they caused the sovereign insult to their master-his wife being his most precious possession just as her cat was hers. The workers amused themselves with Lveill skillfully reenacting the horrible scene over and over during the following days. The mime was an atrocious and humiliating attack at the expense of the master's entire household. It provided entertainment for the men. It must be taken into account the unity of the workers against the masters. By executing the cats with such elaborate ceremony, they condemned master guilty-guilty of the unjust management of the shop towards apprentices. The cats were a representation of the masters, who were declared guilty of poor labor practices. In trying, confessing, and hanging a collection of half-dead cats, the workers meant to ridicule their master.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

English lesson 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English lesson 6 - Essay Example This is the reason for the argument by some scholars against the attainment of human longevity, because they acknowledge the inability to resolve diseases, which eventually cause death. Even so, as humans further research on longevity, they tend to move closer to achieving immortality. But because of the immature and unwise reasons for immortality, the author discredits it, citing the unpreparedness of humans to handle the associated challenges. As such, the author uses figurative language, repetition and irony to appeal to the reader’s pathos by arousing fear, doubt and disapproval on the attainability and attractiveness of immortality. This emotionally appeals to the reader’s appreciation of significant human longevity as having limits and not necessarily being a good thing. McCarthy extensively uses figurative language to appeal to the readers’ fear by suggesting that immortality is dangerous to human life. The author uses metaphorical comparison of â€Å"a h ighway of immortality† to instill fear of immortality to the reader (McCarthy 544). Highways are known to be wider and smoother than other roads, prompting reckless driving that poses the danger of crashes and subsequent injuries or loss of lives. In the same way, McCarthy considers immortality as a hurried idea which poses dangers to humans. Instead of improving on the quality of human life, it could end up destroying it. In fact, by comparing it to a kind of life that does not have â€Å"a weigh station of wisdom,† McCarthy (544) argues on the immaturity of the idea of immortality. Normally, weigh stations are meant to check on the vehicles transporting cargo to ensure that transporters abide by the set load limits so as to avoid damaging the roads. Thus, the use of this figurative language in this context suggests the recklessness in the pursuit of immortality without appropriate checks, which in turn exposes humans to the associated dangers. The author’s choi ce of examples enables her to sample similes that arouse disgust on immortality among the readers. The example of Steven Austad’s comparison of humans to an object, specifically a car, suggests that immortality would cause humans to lose their humanness and in turn be objectified (McCarthy 546). In order to keep a car on the move, the older worn-out parts need to be replaced with newer and more effective ones. In a similar way, in order to keep humans alive forever, their aged body parts would be replaced with fresher ones. Even though scientists are already replacing parts of human body so as to achieve healthier lives, the simplicity of replacement that this figurative language exhibits makes this argument doubtable and unreal; it makes it sound disrespectful to humanity. It portrays humans as simple objects that could be fixed as simply as a car would. This comparison that objectifies humans, likening them to a car, would most likely disgust the reader. This will subsequen tly portray immortality as an aspect that would cost humans their humanness, hence portraying it as unattractive. Repetition of words has also been used in this essay to emphasize the argument on longevity having limits. When describing Dr. Leonard Hayflick’s view on significantly increased longevity, McCarthy notes that â€Å"it won’t happen, it can’t happen, and if it did happen it would be a bad thing† (546). Without being categorical on moderate human longevity, this negation repetition of the word,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Determination of Ka for a weak Acdi Essay Example for Free

Determination of Ka for a weak Acdi Essay In the experiment preformed the objective is to titrate a weak acid with a strong base. In a titration of a weak acid with a strong base the titrant is the strong base and the analyte is a weak acid. The reaction that will occur is the direct transfer of protons from the weak acid to the hydroxide ion. The data gathered will be represented on the titration curve, a graph of the volume of titrant being the strong base plotted against the pH . The pH is an indicator of an acids strength. The titration curve can be used to determine the pKa. By reading the graph the equivalence point can be found; which is the point where equal parts acid and base have reacted by knowing this the half-equivalence can be found pH=pKa. Procedure In the experiment pH paper will be used instead of a pH meter. The pH will be determined at the beginning and the end of the titration and the data table will be used to calculate the intermediate values. A burette is a more accurate piece of glassware used to deliver the titrate; in the lab being performed disposable pipet will be used making it very important to consistently dispense the same size drops. Before the titration the volume of a drop must be determined. A pipet is completely fill with distilled water. The average number of drops in a mL and the average quantity of a mL represented by on drop is calculated and recorded. Water is added drop by drop to a graduated cylinder from a pipet at the first, second and third mL lines the water drops are recorded. The average number of drops are calculated per mL. The average of the quantity of a mL represented by a drop is also recorded. A data table is set up to represent the trail averages. First 2. 0 mL of unknown acid is measured into graduated cylinder and then poured into a beaker the volume is the recorded. By using a toothpick a drop of acid is placed onto low portion of pH paper, the pH level is recorded. One drop of the phenolphthalein indictor is added to the acid and the color is recorded. The beaker is set on a white sheet of paper before moving on. Next, a well in the 24-well plate is filled with NaOH solution and then sucked up into an empty pipet. The pipet is the held vertically slowly adding drop by drop the NaOH into the beaker of the unknown solution. Drops are added until a color change occurs, changing to a faint pink for at least 30 seconds. A plastic spoon is used to stir after the addition of each drop. The number of drops of NaOH is recorded and the equivalence point is now determined. A drop of the acid is now transferred by toothpick to the high range pH indicator strip. The pH level of the acid is recorded before titration. The contents of the beaker are poured down the drain and all equipment is thoroughly cleaned. The above procedure is repeated twice more, all data is recorded to 4 decimal places for each trail on the data table. The average of the 3 trails is calculated and data is recorded. At the top of the pH column the unknown’s acid’s starting pH level before titration is entered. Next, the pH level of the acid after the titration, at its equivalence point is entered at the bottom of the pH column. The appropriate pH levels for each 2 drop interval is then calculated, by subtracting the initial pH from the final pH and dividing the resulting difference by the number of rows minus 1. This number is then added to the previous pH value. A graph is then made, pH is plotted on the y axis and volume of NaOH added on the x axis. This represents the titration curve. The pH that corresponds with the equivalence point and half equivalence points are located and the pKa is determined for the unknown acid, pH=pKa. The relationship between Ka and pKa is that Ka is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of a weak acid and pKa is the half-equivalence point where pH=pKa. In addition to the pH, Ka is an indication of an acids strength; pKa = log Ka. B. The potential sources for errors in this experiment are the inconsistent and miscounting of drops of NaOH in the titration. The pipet must be held upright dispensing the exact size drops to have an accurate measurement. C. If your experimental Ka is 5. 3 and the actual Ka of your unknown acid is 4. 7, what is your % error?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Economics Of The Clean Air Act Essay -- Impact of Clean Air Act on

"The health effects of air pollution imperil human lives. This fact is well-documented." -- Eddie Bernice Johnson Air is a part of all of our lives. Without clean air, nothing we know of can exist. The debate over clean air, it's regulations, their teammates and opposition, and the economic factors coming into play into this ever-more recognizable problem is a widespread and ever more controversial one. Like a long countdown to eventual disaster, the pollution effecting our world has no doubt made increasingly more impact on our daily lives, and has increased the intensity on Washington and other countries to solve the problem. The Clean Air act is a step in the right direction, but with every answer there comes two questions and likewise more and more people taking sides. There have been long debates not over the effectiveness of such regulations, but the lack of opportunity such regulations and deregulations provide for other companies. Global warming has increased the tension over the economics of cleaner air, but with little the government can do to limit the use of cars, the production of necessary coal-fired power plants and other such human resources, the topic just turns into another fog for debate and argument over stricter regulations and the impeached right these sources have to operate. The continual power struggle of such economic and social issues and the debate over the effectiveness of stricter, present or more lenient regulations has turned into a smorgasboard of prectical solutions, with opponents quickly changing minds and becoming supporters and vice-versa. The expenditure of about 20 billion on the part of companies since 1990 to clean up such hazardous pollutants as cars, factories, and thousands of other measures have reaped about 400 billion in saved hospital costs, lost workdays, reduced productivity, and other conditions while at the same time theoretically helping to reduce smog and pollution. The findings of a report on experiments done for the Clean Air act was passed into law in 1970. The Enviornmental Protection Agency has recently come under attack by critics however, and Washington has threatened to cut the agencies' budget citing high costs of enviornmental legislation, even while their is solid proof that the agencies' measures are paying off. Congress is skeptical of reports that the wh... ...economic, political, and diplomatic challenges. Many developing nations such as China are dependent on coal-generated power to drive their economic growth over the next several decades. U.S. utilities uses coal to produce more than half of the nation's electricity. Plentiful U.S. coal supplies have also meant power for many U.S. companies where coal is plentiful. Air and water are concrete parts of all of our lives. With the destruction and continual pollution being pumped into our ecosystem, who knows how long it will be before the whole world is contaminated to the point where we can no longer live in it. The bureaucrats in Washington don't have all the answers, neither do the unions, or the big corporations. The idea and impact of pollution is like a time-bomb waiting to explode, and the end draws nearer and nearer. We cannot look back on our world after we have destroyed it and comment on things we should have done differently. Sources Consulted

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Shc 23 – Introduction to Equality

Introduction to Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings 1. 1The term ‘Diversity’ means the state or fact of being diverse; different or unlike. Within equality and inclusion it is the difference between individuals and groups including: culture, nationality, ability, ethnic origin, gender, age, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class. The term ‘Equality’ means the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in-quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.It means that everyone is offered the same choices and opportunities, everyone is treated with respect and each individuals needs are catered for. The term ‘Inclusion’ means the act of including. Inclusion values diversity meaning that no-one is left out, and places individuals at the centre of planning and support. The term ‘Discrimination’ means the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit eg racial and religious intolerance and discrimination. . 2There are two main types of discrimination; direct and indirect. Direct discrimination may occur in the workplace in the form of institutional discrimination, whereby people may not think I am as good at working with children and young people because I am a man. Discrimination by individuals including bullying, labelling, prejudice and stereotyping is also direct discrimination because it is usually specifically targeted. This can have a negative effect in the workplace as it can lead to lack of opportunities for certain members of the group.Indirect discrimination can take place by accident. It can come as a result of lack of knowledge and understanding. If I cannot effectively communicate with someone because I don’t know anything about them, that could lead to inadve rtent and unintentional exclusion. 1. 3 Equality and inclusion are the opposite of discrimination. Therefore, practices which support equality and inclusion can only serve to extinguish discrimination. If everybody is treated equally with the same rights and respect for each other regardless of race, age and ability, then discrimination cannot take place.This can be achieved by making all areas accessible to people of all abilities, and by reducing barriers within communication. Together they make the promotion of participation easier. 2. 1Within my role as a trainee practitioner, I have to abide by the following codes of practice and legislation: Human Rights Act 1998 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 The Equality Act 2010 Equality and Human Rights Commission 2. In our setting, children and adults alike are all treated equally. Religious beliefs, cultures and va lues are all taken into account. An example of this would be our snack table, all dietary requirements – some health reasons and some religious reasons are catered for. As such, nothing is ever served which go against peoples beliefs. Appropriate language is always used when addressing both children and adults, using clear communication. Regardless of age, ethnic origin or religious belief; confidentiality is always maintained unless it someone is in immediate danger. 2. Discrimination can be challenged in different ways, but in order for it to stop, we must also encourage change. If someone feels that they are being discriminated against, then they should follow the correct complaints procedures – note their concerns with a supervisor, manager or SENCO. If I see children discriminating against one another, I can challenge the children and resolve the issue but report the incident to my manager. Staff training on the issue of discrimination is valuable as it means we a re all following the same procedures to curb the behaviour, and makes us reassess our own beliefs and attitudes we might hold.Policy review on the subject is also a fantastic way to challenge discrimination as it can lead to more effective techniques to solve the problem being developed. 3. 1There are a variety of sources where information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion can be gathered from. Advice and information can be gained from Sector Skills Councils such as Skills for Care and Children’s Workforce and Development Council, Professional organisations such as Nursing ans Midwifery Council and Teacher Development Agency; and Third party organisations.It can also be found on government websites which give up to date legislation and codes of practice. 3. 2Access to information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion should be gained when carrying out inter-agency works, or liaising with community leaders and organisations. It c an also be used in order to gain feedback on the work you are already carrying out. This can help you see if you are meeting all standards expected and can also help you progress to the next level because it aids professional development.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Survivor’s Quest

For any of them to survive on a remote island, they would have to have the physical capacity to endure the harshness of the wilderness. They should also have the mental and emotional maturity to know when and how to help out and not be a burden to their group. They would have to learn how to live away from their comfort zone. The first best choice would be Father Franz, and not merely because he is a priest. He has the physical strength to live in that kind of environment and he has a farming background which will be of great help in terms of a sustainable food production for the group. He would also be a good candidate to be the leader of the group and again, not just because he is a priest, but because of his being active in civil rights guarantees that he will be just and fair in relating with his islandmates. His being liberal also guarantees that his judgments will always be towards the good of them all; not restricted by religious his biases. His being a priest however makes him a better moral uplifter for them the survivors. The next good choice would be Mr. Blake. He is an outdoors man so his knowledge and skills would be essential for their survival. His construction experience will also become handy in making a shelter for them. His prejudices against blacks however might become a problem for them. Dr. Gonzalez may be an experienced doctor, a skill that would be of great value to all of them in the island. However, he is old, and has already lived a full life. Mr. Newton on the other hand, still has one year to finish in med school. What he has learned in school cannot compare to what Dr. Gonzalez has learned through years of medical practice. However, he is young and can still keep on learning. Provided that he did his homework back in school, what he has learned should be enough for him to be able to treat any ailments and injuries his co-survivors might acquire while they are at the island. He will suddenly be able to put what he has learned in practice. Therefore, Mr. Newton should be allowed on the boat. The two children: Jean Garcia and Bobby Dane should also be allowed on the boat. They are very young and should have the privilege to experience life. But at their age, for them to survive on the island, they would need their parents to nurture them. It was not indicated specifically whether Mrs. Garcia is indeed Jean’s mother. Assuming that she is, she might not have much to present in terms of intelligence and regarding her past, unlike most of the other candidates who has many achievements to enumerate, but she is Jean’s mother, therefore she should be given the chance to raise her child the way she sees fit. Bobby on the other hand is a special case. His condition requires someone to take care of unconditionally him in long terms. That role would be best fulfilled by his parents. His mother should be the best candidate for that. However, she is diabetic. Her condition makes her very fragile especially in a remote island where she would not receive her proper treatment. She might not live long enough to take care of her son. Therefore his father, Dr. Dane should be allowed on the boat instead. He is physically healthy to live long enough to care for Bobby. For such a varied group of people to survive and live together on a remote island, they should all be matured enough to disregard their religious and racial ideologies. They should learn to work and cooperate with each other in order to live harmoniously.